Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Because I am born...

It came across my face
Hit the slab hard
Looked back at the farthest object
And left me sulking in a hurry...

In my odd night hours
My dream used to curse me
For my life was adopted by others
And I could let that happen
For I could not help myself
I was born to bear the worse...

The fault indeed lies within me
Within me lie the extreme bad
For which you had to stand over me
And mash me till you feel sad...
I am born to take your heat
To slave my neck
Or however you please
To kneel before the strongest race
And wear the farce of my fate
Am I born to be a girl?
Or born as a girl in this pervert world?
Should ask God for the tempting assets I got
Or this world that made it appealing by its thought?

Being born as a girl is a crime enough
As age does not matter, we have got enough
We have enough tears to hide our pain
We have soft velvets to hold your weight
We have heart to render at our defeat
And we have eyes to see this all over again!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An everlasting truth....

The figurative face of the devil
And evil of the good,
The open heart of the beast
And the shut doors of the kind,
The burnt skin of a dark
And rose on a fair cheek...
Eyes are shut to the inner face!
Why rose with thorns appeal us the most?
Why understanding love is complicated?
Why hatred is where you feel the most?
Why do we need to think with our brains?
Why heart can never imagine?
Behind every emotion
Is an eternal feeling
An enduring heart  
With an everlasting truth.....